Our Mission
Our mission is to provide personal care and the highest quality-of-life by partnering with residents and families to foster meaningful relationships. Our hand-picked staff are passionate about care and the people we care for, and are committed to supporting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our residents and community.
Our Values
We recognize the value of every person and are guided by our commitment to quality and leadership. We demonstrate this by:
- Achieving superior physical, emotional and spiritual care for each resident and their families
- Staff PRIDE: Professionalism, Responsibility, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence
- Building a community of respect and meaningful relationships between residents, families, and staff
Our Team
Our team consists of licensed practical nurses, certified home health aides, recreation therapists, certified home health agency registered nurse, RN Director of Clinical Operations, case manager, and our administrator, altogether forming an exceptional and remarkable elder care community. Our credentialed physicians includes primary care physicians, gerontologist, podiatrists, ophthalmologists, and cardiologists among others.
Our employees are our most valuable resource in providing for the wellbeing and vibrancy of our residents and community. Therefore, we provide an environment in which:
- Our team has opportunities through education and advancement to reach their maximum potential
- Are treated fairly and with respect
- Are recognized and rewarded for their individual contribution and feel a sense of pride in their work
- Are free to express their ideas in improving our community
Teamwork and a bias toward altruism are vital to the success of our community and mission. Our residents always come first, and our team takes individual and collective responsibility in ensuring the wellbeing of each and every member of our community.
Living it up in Columbia
We believe a true community shouldn’t be gated or fenced in – it should seamlessly meld into its surroundings. That’s why we chose Ghent’s beautiful views for our home.
Nearby you’ll find 5 star restaurants, movie theaters, shopping, medical facilities, and transportation.